Armenia–Azerbaijan Conflict Armenia Looks west, Blames Russia: We can't rely on Russia to protect us anymore, Armenian PM says


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Armenia has found itself in a tricky situation recently, with mounting tensions between itself and its ally Russia. In response, the country has conducted drills named Eagle Partner Exercise with the United States, showing its increasing willingness to partner with other nations. This comes as no surprise, given Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan's recent statement that the country "can't rely on Russia to protect us anymore." In a move that may spark further controversy, many believe Armenia is now expected to look west & try and join the European Union and eventually NATO. As the country grapples with its complicated alliances and partnerships, it remains to be seen how these decisions will impact Armenia in the long run.

The recent military drills named Eagle Partner Exercise between Armenia and the United States have caught the world's attention. The bold move suggests that Armenia is willing to strengthen its military ties with the West. However, what is more interesting is the reason behind Armenia's decision. As per reports, American-funded NGOs have been putting pressure on Armenian politicians to use the country as a NATO base to surround Iran and allow NATO a foothold in the Caucasus region. This adds a new dimension to the scenario and raises questions about the future geopolitical dynamics in the region. It will be interesting to see how the situation unfolds in the coming months.